What does RAPS do and why should you pay £10 a year per household for membership?
RAPS ensures that your voice is heard.
RAPS is an independent, non-political association representing the interests of the whole Port Solent community, helping to sustain Port Solent as a pleasant, safe and unique place to live, work and enjoy.
Planning: in the past, RAPS has made effective representations to Portsmouth City Council in order to limit the damage prospective planning initiatives might cause, especially with regard to use of the green fields. The Committee looks carefully at planning applications and listens to residents’ views to make certain they are well-represented.
Motorway noise barrier: RAPS helped steer Highways England away from their initial plan to erect a concrete wall along Port Way.
Travellers: during the two most recent encampments RAPS channelled information to residents about court orders for eviction and listened to complaints. We encouraged more effective deterrence without spoiling the view.
Country Park and Tipner West Regeneration Project: meetings with PCC will resume in 2023, although the Council has paused activity on Lennox Point pending a review of the benefits and environmental impact. There is a similar pause on Country Park development while the trees planted in 2019 begin to grow. There is little expectation of seeing a publicly accessible park facility before 2035.
Informing the membership: a monthly email from the Chair, RAPS Bell, keeps the information flowing between AGMs, summarised in an annual Newsletter. RAPS also has social media presence on Facebook, Twitter and Nextdoor. Other popular apps that allow exchanges of views and information are being explored.
The membership fee enables the RAPS committee to subsidise social events, like the quiz nights, events during the Christmas season and the occasional outing; it provides a budget for printing the newsletter and other circulars.
The main focus of RAPS business is local planning. A separate page on this website is devote to the Portsmouth Plan.
Since the most important work of RAPS involves regular dialogue with Portsmouth City Council, the larger the RAPS membership, the greater our credibility.
That does seem very good value for £10 per household per year.
Committee Vacancies
Committee Members
Chair Chris Clark
Treasurer. Angela Britton
Website Editor Helen Cronshaw
Membership Secretary Malcolm Cronshaw
Committee Member Tony Hewitt
Committee Member. Fiona Janczur
The health of RAPS is dependent on able people who are prepared to give up some of their time freely to take on specific tasks, such as chairing meetings, managing the accounts, editing the newsletter and website, and organising social events. Expressions of interest are always welcomed for any Committee position and nominations can be put forward either before or at the AGM. The Committee may also, from time to time, need to draw special attention to positions that become vacant and that need to be filled urgently and such vacancies will be posted on this page.