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Social Events

In the past RAPS has put on occasional events such as Solent cruises to watch the Cowes Week Fireworks, theatre trips and Christmas parties. If you want more of these then RAPS needs someone to join the Committee as Social Secretary. If you think that may be you, do get in touch.

RAPS Quiz Nights at The Botanical

Quizmaster and Botanical Manager Carl ready to test 11 teams at the October 2024 quiz night, a near record turnout. 

Next quiz nights at The Botanical hosted by Carl
(NOTE: Carl will be leaving The Botanical at the end of February. Hosting and arrangements from March onward to be confirmed).


Quiz nights in 2025 continue on 6th February and will again be held on the first Thursday of every month thereafter, apart from December, starting at 7:30 pm. 


Prizes generously donated by The Botanical:

***£100*** to the winner, 2 bottles of wine to the runners up. The team in last place is awarded a box of chocolates, courtesy of RAPS.

Cash bar available throughout and food beforehand, including the chef's special quiz night curry. Still only £2 per person to play. Maximum team size, six. 


These events have become very popular: you are advised to book a table in advance tel 023 9400 4315. NB: The online booking service charges a deposit for parties over four.

Carols at The Boardwalk

Carols at The Boardwalk is an annual event, first held on 21st December 2022. Singing was led by the Portsmouth Salvation Army Band and the Portsmouth Baroque Choir. more than 100 people turned out and over £800 was raised for the Salvation Army's Winter Appeal.  

In 2023 more than 300 people turned up, the Salvation Army Band was bigger than the previous year and the Portsmouth Baroque Choir was augmented by voices from Portsmouth Choral Union and the University of Portsmouth Choir. Penny Mordaunt MP addressed the throng and altogether £1160 was raised.


The weather for the 2024 event was frightful but the many who turned up sheltered in and around The Botanical where Carl's team served hot rum chocolate and mince pies, raising an extra £800 to add to the sum collected.

Image 22-12-2022 at 11.53.jpeg
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