Terms of Use
The text, images or other material made available on this website (collectively "The Content") by RAPS is either: protected by third-party rights such as copyright or trademarks (for which RAPS is permitted to make available to you), or are materials which are in the public domain or made available under a Creative Commons licence.
None of the Content is specifically copyrighted to RAPS and is assumed to be in the Public Domain unless otherwise stated. By placing content on this website, such as photographs, descriptions, stories, it must be understood that such content may be freely copied or shared by visitors to the site and RAPS, in accordance with its Legal Disclaimer, will not be liable for any consequent damage, harm, injury or lack of suitable attribution as to the creator of that Content.
Privacy Statement
The statements in this section and in the next are deemed compliant with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as advised by the Resource Centre Data protection for community groups.
Responsibility for upholding these statements rests with the Data Controller for RAPS, who, in the event that no other Officer of the RAPS Committee is nominated, shall be the Chair.
RAPS will not publish on this website, nor on any of its social media pages, the email address of any resident without their prior consent;
RAPS will not publish the personal name or contact details of any resident without their prior consent;
RAPS will not publish any comment or statement arising from RAPS business that can be attributed to a resident without their prior consent;
RAPS will retain documents, in whatever format, that make reference to any resident, in a secure manner. For hard copy documents this means in locked storage; for electronic documents this means in folders within password-protected systems.
RAPS will endeavour to review all data held on residents on a regular basis and will delete or remove where it is considered that there is no longer a legitimate reason to retain it.
Protection of Personal Data
Personal data connected with becoming and remaining a member of RAPS are freely given to The Committee by the Members of RAPS on the understanding that such data will be stored in a secure environment accessible only by the officers of RAPS in order to carry out the essential operations of the Association, such as the maintenance of an up-to-date record of the members and to facilitate regular communications to those members. Steps taken to reinforce member privacy in relation to these essential activities include: password protection applied to electronic documents containing personal data; use of the blind copy (bcc) facility when sending emails to all members.
Legal Disclaimer
RAPS has prepared the content of this website responsibly and carefully, but disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained in any of the materials on this website or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links.
This includes, but is not by way of limitation:
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any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information
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RAPS makes no warranty as to the content, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information or that the information may be relied upon for any reason and bears no responsibility for the accuracy, content or legality of any linked site or for that of any subsequent links. RAPS makes no warranty that the website service will be uninterrupted or error-free or that any defects can be corrected.
RAPS shall not be liable for any losses or damages (including without limitation consequential loss or damage) whatsoever from the use of, or reliance on, the information in its website, or from the use of the Internet generally. Any advertisements placed on this website and links to other websites do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by RAPS of any products, services, policies or opinions of the organisation or individual.
Neither the organisers of any event advertised on this site or any members of RAPS shall be liable for any loss, damage or personal injury, howsoever caused, arising from or in any way connected with the event.
These disclaimers and exclusions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. Those who choose to access this site from outside the United Kingdom are responsible for compliance with local laws if and to the extent local laws are applicable.
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Cookies are small text files that websites save to your computer. They often include a randomly generated number which is stored on your device. Many cookies are automatically deleted after you finish using the website, and such is the case with this website.
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Unless you have adjusted your browsersettings to refuse cookies, the software platform Zoho, on which this site is built, will issue cookies as soon you visit. If you have switched off cookies then some of the functionality of the site's services may not be available to you.
In fact the only use of cookies on this website applies to the capture and storage of your preferences while visiting this site via a desktop or mobile device and, as such, is limited to supporting login sessions to those parts of this website that are protected by a password.
The cookies that are used on this website only collect anonymous information; they do not collect personal information.
You are encouraged to create links to Content on this Site. If you link to the RAPS Site or any Content on the Site, you agree to present the link in a manner that does not give the impression that RAPS endorses, whether expressly or implicitly, any products,services or opinions provided on your website.
What websites do we link to?
RAPS members recommend external web links on the basis of their suitability and usefulness for the Association. Selection and addition of links to our websiteis entirely a matter for the RAPS Web Editor and appointed authors, in consultation with the RAPS Committee if required.
It is not RAPS policy to enter into agreements for reciprocal links.
The inclusion of a link to an organisation's or individual's website does not constitute an endorsement or an approval by RAPS of any product, service, policy or opinion of the organisation or individual. RAPS is not responsible for the content of external websites.
What websites will we not link to?
RAPS will not link to websites that contain racist, sexual or misleading content; that promote violence; that are in breach of any UK law; which are otherwise offensive to individuals or to groups of people.
The decision of the RAPS Committee is final and no correspondence will be entered into.